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Today is national BE A KID AGAIN DAY. If you could go back and pick a day to be a kid again, which day would you choose? I would definitely choose a day at camp - a day full of being with my best friends, playing outside in the sunshine and then I’d throw in a little holiday kid favorite…Halloween. That is the exact day we had today on Old Forge Mountain, and it was amazing!

Today we enjoyed the carefree feeling of summer and quality time with friends. We jumped off the diving board into refreshing cold water, rolled around in the grass, not caring about getting dirty, and got lost in a good book as if there was no such thing as time. Today we enjoyed the joys of being a kid and living life to the fullest.

As we danced the cupid shuffle in the dining hall tonight, I was reminded of what it feels like to be a kid again. Kids don’t care if you have two left feet. Kids don’t care if your hair is a mess. Kids don’t care if you know all the words. The only thing that kids want is for you to play with them, laugh with them and share life with them. I am so grateful that I get to be a kid each and every day with your children. Thank you for sharing them with us and giving us this gift of being a kid again!

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Favorite Details of the Day

  • Reflect at the Rock: Today Megan talked to us about friendship. Camp friends are the best friends!
  • Meals: Breakfast was french toast sticks, bacon, eggs and fruit bar. Lunch was french dip sandwiches, kettle chips and salad bar. Dinner was chicken and sausage jambalaya, sensation salad and french bread with beignets for dessert!
  • EP: Haunted House and Monster Mash Dance put on by the CIT class of 2019! We all enjoyed the Scooby Doo themed haunted house, a giant dance party and tractor rides around camp. It was an absolute blast!
  • Weather: The weather has been absolutely perfect! We had sunny skies all day and a cool breeze at night! I love North Carolina summers!

A special thanks to our amazing counselors who make our campers smile each and every day. I am always in awe of their creativity, their passion and their commitment to giving our campers the best camp experience possible. They get so excited about planning little moments, sweet surprises and unforgettable treats to give our campers memories that will last a lifetime. They inspire me to embrace each moment of the day and appreciate the simple joys that camp offers in abundance.

To top off an already amazing day, the junior camp counselors in boys camp created a surprise glow stick story time for their boys. All of the campers in cabins 21 & 22 piled into one cabin and snuggled in sleeping bags under the glow stick lights while their counselors read them stories before bed. I love the unexpected sweetness from these strong male role models, and the way they care for their campers!

Oh to be a kid again at Camp Highlander. What a gift!
